Responsibilities: 3D Modeling | Digital Fashion Design Roblox x Parsons Collab Studio

Roblox Digital Fashion

The Concept

Metaverse Fashion with Roblox

The pioneering Collab Studio with Roblox x Parsons School of Design let us as digital designers to pair up with real world fashion designers to make digital clothing for figures of all body types on the Roblox platform using Roblox’s Layered Clothing System.

Younger generations are increasingly using avatars to represent themselves in the digital realm, and half of Gen Zers change their avatars’ clothing at least weekly according to a study by Parsons and Roblox.


VIsual direction
Digital Fashion Design
3D modeling
roblox prototyper👔🔍


Roblox studio


feb - may 2023
4 months

the first-ever digital fashion design collab

“We dress in the physical world and we dress in the digital world,” Ben Barry, Parsons’ dean of fashion, said in a recent panel discussion. “We are in a new era,” he added. Fashion is a big part of Roblox, luxury brands such as Gucci, Ralph Lauren, and BURBERRY have Roblox versions of their wares.

Within a semester-long collaborative course between Parsons and Roblox, students have to learn how to use the platform’s developer tools and templates, along with 3D modeling softwares.

We explored the intricate relationship between digital and physical fashion set in an immersive future through researching and prototyping in Roblox. Our creations have already gone on sale on Roblox store.

Our team's garment design

"ocean vinus" Visual exploration

Our team’s concept is inspired by the magical, supernatural underwater world where avatars could be morphed with the nature forms by wearing our designs and become part of the beautiful marine kingdom. We are fascinated by the dazzling organic forms in nature, so our garment wants to express the fluidity of the water by the ripples and shining pearls.

To complete the full look of our marine-inspired concept, we also designed the surrounding pearls and overhead floating jellyfish hat as accessories. For the finishing material, we applied a coherent shining metallic texture for an otherworldly, futuristic effect. You’ll be glowing when you put them on!

More design process

final collection of our collab studio

digital media features

our interactive exhibition space

The final showcase of our digital fashion design pieces took place at the Parsons building with more interactive experiences of AR try-on, hologram display, DIY your own fashion patterns. The ultimate merge of virtual and physical world!